March 23, 2009

Sad Face

Lots to talk about, but not alot of knitting. Love my smittens, love my hats!!! I was named a captain of Local University Lacrosse and life as ensued. I love my team but I hate their drama, overall I'm slightly angry with my coach and sometimes my teammates but I've reached the halfway part of the semester, and I am still alive.

I've been soooooooooo busy, I took a praxis prep class, I sit for that at the end of April & the semester is over in the begining of May, thank god. Taking one summer class, prepping for science & math praxis's and praying I have some energy left over to enjoy my summer.

So currently my semester is: 17 credits, lacrosse, not so much working anymore, and trying not to kill my teammates. I drink alot of tea.

Life is good. I hope to be knitting again sometime soon, and mainly things to wear in the winter, maybe a summertime garment, we will see.

love you !