March 18, 2007

I am a wee bit off kilter.

I had, perhaps, one of the most aggravating weekends a person could have. Hence the off kilter-ness. When I had down time I read a lot about Kool Aid dying. When my grandmother passed away, almost two years ago, she left me yarn. We (my dad and I) had no idea my grandmother (Nan) still had works in progress (WIPs). I naturally was the heir to the left over yarn and I have made a hat/scarf/mitten set. Waffle Scarf and Ugly Mittens are made from left over Nan yarn.

Nan also left behind about 10 skeins of a 'natural' looking yarn. I don't know what its made out of, and it looked old and kind of creepy. It was in a bag, and it got left outside in the garage. But I've got an idea now. I'm going to dye it. Thanks to the Kool Aid tutorials I found, I plan to dye it as soon as I have a free minute and know my mom has no idea of finding out how I used her stove.

I found some seriously amazing websites that have completely made me feel at ease with the process. My search started and Eunny Jang's website, See Eunny Knit where she details how to made self striping yarn. Her yarn was already pink when she started. She lists some links at the bottom of her web-torial. Knitty also has a web-torial in which Kristi Porter describe the process and uses glass cups(? that is what it looks like to me) and she makes a series of "samples". As if that wasn't enough, I found a color card which I personally thought was pretty neat.

The final site I found sealed the deal. I mean it spoke to me in such a way that I knew I could do it. I had been on the fence about the entire thing, but this website made me say, "When is mom going to be out of town so I won't have to worry about hurrying to finish dying?"

Let me tell you - not soon enough. This web-turial, brought to us by Streets and Yo, is just fabulous. The end result seriously just made me drool. There isn't a before, but I don't mind that much. The end yarn is so beautiful and delicious. How do you not want to run out into the garage and grab all that crappy looking, gross yarn and buy more Kool Aid packets than a cult end-of-the-world party?

I know the garage is a bad place for the yarn, but it honestly is the grossest yarn I've ever seen. I get itchy and buggy when I see it and I kind of want to run away flailing my arms like.. Kermit the Frog.

I'm making my own, handmade sign for the Today Show. I think it's great that It's a Purl Man is making a sign, but I want in on the action. I want to be on TV, too. So I've got a few ideas for a sign, any one else have ideas? I don't have a cool prize, but we could stand next to each other holding it. Maybe we'll get on tv... oooooh :)

Ok. Dinnertime.

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